Sept-Oct ‘24 EarthCare Actions

Easy Earth Care Actions each month

Each month, your Interfaith Dayenu Circle encourage you to take a few quick actions that will benefit our planet and future generations. 
Please note that these actions are being done across many faith organizations in Santa Cruz County, and you are part of a large interfaith effort! 

Here’s how you can make a difference:

1. Share the Word about ClimateFest!  September 22, from 11:30-4:30! More info here! How you can help:

Include this invitation in email newsletters to your congregations for the next 2 weeks.

  • Post it on your website and social media.

  • Give a sermon about climate justice and Earth care and Encourage your congregations to attend! 

  • Print handouts to share (Fliers attached)

  • Ask for volunteers to help us make this happen.

2. Help Get the Vote Out! Supporting our democracy is one of the most critical actions we can take at this time to care for the Earth. Easy ways to do this: 

3. Sign a Letter: Join the movement for a fossil free Amazon. The Amazon gives us 20% of our oxygen. Protecting the Amazon is honoring the interconnected nature of all people and beings.

Hopeful News! China is installing record amounts of solar and wind, and may meet its 2030 emissions reduction target by the end of this month! Energy experts are looking to China, the world's largest emitter and once a climate villain, for lessons on how to rapidly decarbonise.

With so much gratitude,

Rev. Steve Palmisano and the Dayenu Interfaith Climate Team

SCZC Admin