Climate Fest 24: You can make a difference! 9/22

The SCZC Earth Care Group supports and is helping to lead this interfaith event. See flyer and full schedule of events below.
Santa Cruz Zen Center will be offering Listening Stations at Climate Fest 2024 to support people in talking about the challenges of climate change. If you have questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Larry at

Schedule of Events


11:45-11:55 a.m.  Introduction and Land Acknowledgement. Deacon Patrick Conway, Elisha Christopher, Larry Levin, Batya Kagan.

12:00-12:45 p.m.  Engaging in Climate Advocacy: Why Your Voice Matters, How to Be Heard! Learn how to advocate for climate action from environmental leaders, with Senator John Laird!. Facilitators: Rabbi Shifra and Aisha Charves.

 1:00-1:45 p.m.  Interactive Experience: Visioning the Future Our Hearts Know is Possible.  Get inspired to live your values and create visions for a vibrant future! Facilitators: Tenzin Chogkyi and Rev. Steve Palmisano.

2:00-2:45 p.m. How to Talk about Climate Change and Other Difficult Issues. Learn helpful techniques and practice talking about climate change and the election! Facilitators: Rabbi Paula Marcus, Rev. Elisha Christpher, Michael Levy, Tenzin Chogkyi

3:00-3:45 p.m. Making a Difference by Eating Well: Panel Discussion. Learn how our food choices impact the planet, and what we can do differently. Speakers: Jan Liband, Eat for the Earth; Adam Scow, Campaign for Organic and Regenerative Agriculture; Rabbi Eli Cohen. 

4:00-4:30 p.m. Interfaith Ceremony for Honoring the Earth. Experience a sense of community with many faith traditions! 


Food!  11:30 am to 4 pm, including Mattia Pizza Truck, Veg On The Edge, The Pesce Veggie. In the Parking Lot.

Get Involved.  Many climate and environmental organizations will be present to answer questions and offer information about how you can make a difference. In the Labyrinth (next to the Main Hall).  

Eco Fashion: Learn about Recycling/Repurposing clothing with style. In the Youth Center Building.

Eco-Fashion Shows throughout the afternoon. In the Main Hall.

Children’s Activities. Fun and engaging ways for kids to learn and get involved. In the  Small Meeting Rooms within the Main Hall.

Listening Stations to share concerns about Climate Change and be heard. In the Main Hall Conference Room.

Environmentally Friendly Gardening. In the yard behind the Meeting Hall

Electric Vehicles. Talk to owners about their Electric Vehicles. In the parking lot near the entrance to the Main Hall.

Home Electrification. Information will be provided on the initial steps you can take to electrify your home and transition away from fossil fuel heating and cooking. In the parking lot near the entrance to the Main Hall.

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