Please check the MASTER calendar TO CONFIRM CLASS DATES

Classes and Groups

Below are our ongoing classes and groups. We also offer many special classes and workshops; information on these may be found on our front page under Upcoming Events.

Suggested donation for each study group is $10 for sustaining members (>$50/mo) and $13 for contributing members and others. Santa Cruz Zen Center relies on fees and donations to continue its mission. If you can pay more, please consider doing so. If you cannot pay the fee listed, please pay what you can. We invite you to approach the teacher/leader of your group if you have questions about fees.


Ongoing: Mondays 7:50-8:30am

Weekly Dharma Study Group on Mondays

Led by Rev. Patrick Teverbaugh

Weekly Dharma Study Group on Monday mornings at 7:50 a.m. in person in the Sangha Home or on Zoom.

We are reading Silent Illumination by Guo Gu.


ongoing: 2nd wednesday of each month 5-5:45 pm

Monthly Sutra Reading Group

The Sutra reading group is on the second Wednesday of each month from 5-5:45 pm. We will begin with the Lotus Sutra translation & introduction by Gene Reeves. We will read the Sutra out loud together in the Sangha House.


Ongoing: one Sunday Eve per month 4:30-5:30 pm

Aging Openly, Honestly and Wisely

3rd Sunday of the month, Sangha Home with Zoom option

For those who are practicing with aging. In this group, we will talk about how we are practicing with our aging bodies and minds. We are using the book “this is getting old,” by Susan Moon, as our template for discussion.


Ongoing: one tuesday at noon per month

Earth Care Group

How can we engage in care for the Earth as an expression of our spiritual practice?
How might we weave together activism and our Bodhisattva Vows? Please join us monthly at noon on Tuesday in the Sangha House to explore ways we can engage in our practice to address the environmental and climate crises.

May we bring the Warm Jewels of our practice out into the world: Presence, Compassion, Interbeing, Service. See also Dayenu Interfaith Climate Action Group.


Ongoing: one saturday per month 1:30-3pm in the sangha home

Zen in Art

Meet fellow Zendo creatives and art lovers once a month to explore the intersection of Art & Zen. Let’s support our creative practices in art and life via prompts and exercises offered by Valéria (“Val”) Miranda, inspired by John Daido Loori’s book The Zen of Creativity and Julia Cameron’s The Artist Way.

Val is a long term SCZC practitioner and a local nonprofit arts administrator who practices dance and visual arts. Please bring a journal with unruled pages or a sketchbook, pencil, and/or pen, and, as an option, art materials such as colored pencils/watercolors/, and images and words cut out from magazines. 


Ongoing: first Tuesdays, 6:40-8:00 pm

Awakening Together

Led by Val Miranda and Rev. Patrick Teverbaugh

A study discussion group taking an inward look at race and racism within our hearts and minds.

We are currently studying:

Radical Dharma: Talking Race. Love. and Liberation by Rev. angel Kyodo williams, Lama Rod Owens with Jasmine Syedullah, PhD



Foundations of Buddhism

Led by Rev. Patrick Teverbaugh

We are studying The Diamond That Cuts Through Illusion includes Thich Nhat Hanh’s translation of the Sutra from the Chinese and, in his commentaries, his own diamond sharp insight, including new work on the environmental implications of the Diamond Sutra


Ongoing: some Thursdays, 6:45-8pm and Some sundays, 1:00-3:00pm

please check the calendar below for dates

Sewing Buddha’s Robe

Led by Rev. Gene Bush

Anybody who is sewing a rakusu with the permission of their teacher is welcome to sew with us. Please come for instruction or community. Participation by those who need to sew an envelope, repair an old rakusu or robe, or wish to sew a robe as a gift, is also encouraged.
More Information


Ongoing: Generally Third Saturday of the month, 1:00-2:00pm

please check the calendar below for dates

Introduction To Zen

A monthly introduction to the body and mind of Zen meditation and the forms of practice at SCZC. This meeting includes sitting and walking meditation, and discussion. Everyone is welcome. This usually occurs the third Saturday of every month, but please double-check the monthly events calendar to confirm.


friday evenings 7-8 pm at sczc

Recovery Group - Meditate and End Addiction with Hungry Ghosts United

Friday evenings, in-person at SCZC, 7pm to 8pm, beginning September 2, 2022.

Hungry Ghosts United is a meditation-based addiction recovery society. We use meditation as the foundation for a complete recovery practice. This is an opportunity to receive support for substance use recovery efforts. Along with Buddhist practitioners, we meditate and offer support to each other.  These meetings are in person at Santa Cruz Zen Center on School Street. Everyone is welcome.