Easy EarthCare Actions for August

Easy Earth Care Actions.  Each month, your Interfaith Dayenu Circle encourages you to take a few quick actions that will benefit our planet and future generations. Please note that these actions are being done across many faith organizations in Santa Cruz County, and you are part of a large interfaith effort! 

Here’s how you can make a difference:

Help Get the Vote Out! Supporting our democracy is one of the most critical actions we can take at this time to care for the Earth. Easy ways to do this: 

  • Write Letters with Vote Forward! Many of our congregations are writing letters now - let us know if you need support!

  • Call Voters through Dayenu or the Environmental Voter Project. It’s easy and effective! Email me if you are interested in leading an effort on this - we are looking for a coordinator.

Speed Up the Transition to Clean Energy. The Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 will speed up the pace with which the U.S. builds and deploys new clean energy projects. Support it HERE.

Stop Funding Fossil Fuels. Sign this Interfaith Letter calling on Citibank to stop funding fossil fuel expansion in the Gulf South, invest in clean energy, and reverse the environmental racism that they have been bankrolling for years. We must keep making our voices heard and stand in solidarity with frontline communities.
Save the Date for our Interfaith Climate Fest on September 22, from 11:30-4:30! More info here! RSVP is helpful but not required. Volunteers needed.

Thank you for sharing these actions widely!


Rev. Steve Palmisano and the SC Interfaith Dayenu Team

SCZC Admin