Earth Care Update: Next Meeting 7/23; special event Friday

Dear Earth Friends, 

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, July 23th, 12-1:30pm in the Sangha House. 

Voter Outreach.  As an expression of caring for the Earth, we decided to write letters to increase voter participation through Vote ForwardPlease sign in, make an account, print some letters, and start writing! 

We plan to meet the following dates for more Sangha fun with letter writing, all 12-1:30pm:

  • August 6 and 20

  • Sept 10 and 24

Vote Forward offers non-partisan letter writing, keeping us in accord with our requirements as a non-profit and religious organization. We had a wonderful time writing and chatting with each other and strengthening our sangha connections. We completed over 100 letters!

We welcome friends to join in this effort...We had two of my friends join. I can provide letters to those who don't have a printer.

Special Election Event this Friday: IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE—AGAIN, presented by Writers for Democratic Action. At the 418 Project; it looks very interesting. 

Notes from our last meeting: Earth Care Meeting Notes. 

Save the Date:  Climate-Fest 2024: You Can Make A Difference!

Sunday, September 22, 2024, 11am-4:30pm

Our Earth Care group plans to offer Listening Stations there!

With deep bows,

Rev. Steve / Earth Embrace

Lori Duperon