In-Person Events Planned

Sangha Day, Zazen In Zendo

The Zen Center crabapple is in bloom.

The Zen Center crabapple is in bloom.

Sangha Day, In-Person at Warm Jewel Temple
Saturday April 17 , 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Gradually we will remember how to greet each other in person and work side by side to tend to the temple grounds. The garden has been tended closely by Liz during our time away. Spring is arriving and there is much to be done. We will work distanced and masked, celebrating our connection and staying safe.

Events Calendar


Beginning in April – in person zazen in the zendo!
With simultaneous zoom zazen

Tuesdays and Thursdays April 8,13, 15 & 20 for the evening sit 6:00-6:30 pm followed by service.

We’ll try this for a few weeks and re-evaluate at the end of the month after seeing how it goes. We anticipate that the zendo can safely hold 10 people; we will sit distanced and masked along with others who are on zoom sitting at home. We will not be chanting aloud together while in person; the zoom zendo bells and chants will continue as usual. If there are more than 10 people, some will be asked to sit on the porch or in the garden. If this becomes very popular, we will initiate a ‘sign-up-in-advance’ system. Look for more info on the website as this experiment is underway.

Events Calendar

We anticipate that the zendo can safely hold 10 people with this distanced setup.  We will sit distanced and masked along with others.

We anticipate that the zendo can safely hold 10 people with this distanced setup. We will sit distanced and masked along with others.

SCZC Admin