Fall practice period 2024


october 18 - october 20

Sesshin is a time to “gather the mind” with sitting, lecture, work practice, and meal practice. It is an opportunity to deepen our practice and renew our knowledge of traditional Soto Zen forms.

We will sit together, both on Zoom and in the zendo, beginning Friday morning October 18th and ending Sunday afternoon, October 20th. Rev. Patrick Teverbaugh will lead each day from 5:20am until 8:30 pm and include meditation, lectures, meal practice, and work practice.  On Sunday, the sesshin will end at 2:00 pm. Here is the full schedule for each day.

Participate either in-person or on Zoom, or a combination. Please be conscientious about health and stay home should you have any fever or any other symptoms that concern you. Sign up on the bulletin board or online using the form on this page.

The suggested donation is $40/day for Sustaining Members, and $45/day for contributing members and others. Santa Cruz Zen Center relies on fees and donations to continue its mission. If you can pay more, please consider doing so. If you cannot pay the fee listed, please pay what you can. Please speak with the coordinators if you have further questions about fees.

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