fall practice period 2024

Fall Study

oct 27, Nov 10, nov 17 and nov 24, 2024


Loving Such a World as Ours: Dongshan’s Five Ranks and The Jewel Mirror

What world is reflected when we look into the mirror? How do we begin to relieve suffering amid such political divisiveness and climate disruptions? Our 9th century ancestor, Dongshan Liangjie maps out a poetic path for us on this journey to “save all beings.”

Classes will consist of four lectures with group discussion. One can attend both in- person or online (Zoom).

Sunday, Oct 27, 10-11:30 am at SCZC and via Zoom
Sunday, Nov 10, 10-11:30 am at SCZC and via Zoom
Sunday, Nov 17, 10-11:30 am at SCZC and via Zoom
Sunday, Nov 24, 10-11:30 am at SCZC and via Zoom

Suggested donation for each class is $10 for sustaining members, $13 for non-members. The Santa Cruz Zen Center relies on fees and donations to continue its mission. If you can pay more, please consider doing so. If you cannot pay the fee listed, please pay what you can. Talk with the coordinator if you have questions about fees.


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