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Mountains and Waters Sesshin

Please join us—in person or on Zoom—for a weekend sesshin. The schedule includes zazen, service, kinhin and a daily dharma talk at 11:10. To celebrate the mountains and waters, some of our afternoon sessions will be held outside. You are welcome to attend part or full time. Meals will be on your own, outside. COVID protocols will be announced prior to the event, as they are currently being discussed by the board.

This sit will be led by Rev. Cathy Toldi.


Please RSVP

Schedule (For Both Days)

Breakfast: on your own
7:45 zazen
8:20 kinhin
8:30 zazen
9:10 service
9:30 kinhin
9:40 zazen
10:00 exercise
10:30 zazen
11:00 kinhin
11:10 dharma talk
11:50 service


Join via Zoom at:

  • Zoom meeting number 295 166 8406
    The password is 753

  • To connect by phone, call 1 (669) 900-6833 and enter the meeting ID and password.

  • More information on online events.

Lunch: 12-1, bring your own bag lunch
1:00 zazen
1:40 kinhin
1:50 outdoor zazen
2:30 outdoor kinhin
3:00 exercise
3:30 zazen
4:10 kinhin
4:20 zazen
4:50 service
5:00 closure


The suggested donation is $20 for online day sits. Santa Cruz Zen Center relies on fees and donations to continue its mission. If you can pay more, please consider doing so as a donation. If you cannot pay the fee listed or aren’t attending the whole event, please pay what you can. Talk with the teacher if you have questions about fees. You are welcome to offer dana separately to the teacher.

How to Donate