Call for Board Members

This is the time of year when the Board of Trustees seeks nominations for new Board members to take office in November. Yes, you may nominate yourself. We encourage and invite your participation.

This might be an opportunity for you to expand your participation, to deepen your practice, and work collaboratively with other BT members and Practice Leaders.

The Board serves the Sangha and its membership by attending to the vision of the Zen Center, its programs, policies, and the pragmatic details of finances and property maintenance.

To be willing to place your name on the ballot for a board position, you will need to have been a sustaining or contributing member of our Sangha for a minimum of one year. The Board meets once a month on the third Tuesday from 6:45 - 8:15 in the Zendo. Board members may also be asked to serve on a standing or an ad hoc committee (such as finance, property management, membership). The term of each Board member is 3 years but there is no maximum for those who like to serve longer.

If you would like to serve, you can write a personal statement as to why you would like to serve – and you can mail it to the current Board President, Mari Tustin, at

Many thanks and bows.

Eugene Bush