Spring Intensive Classes: Right Speech / Harmonious Speech
In these times of political division, and clashing of swords heard all around the world, it is especially important that communication with others comes from within our compassionate Buddha Nature. During the month of March we have two opportunities to study the Buddhist teaching on Right Speech/ Harmonious Speech from the Eightfold Path.
One is an in-person workshop in Non-Violent Communication taught by staff at NVC Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay Zen Center. There is no Zoom option for the NVC workshop. It starts with a 3-hour introduction to NVC on Sunday March 9th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. There will be two follow-up sessions the next two Sunday mornings, March 16th from 10:30 to noon, and March 30th 10:00 to 11:30. We ask a donation of $75 for this 6 hour package of teaching so that we may offer our guest teachers a stipend. But your participation is what is most valuable, so please give what your budget will allow.
The second offering is a two class series from the Eightfold Path on Right/Harmonious speech taught by Reverend Patrick Teverbaugh. We will be using text from the website Access to Insight, an essay by Bhikkhu Bodhi (https://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/bodhi/waytoend.html). The classes will be held on Sunday mornings March 2nd and April 13th, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. . Donations for each class will be $10 for Sustaining Members and $13 per class for all others. Again, please donate what your budget will allow.