Easy Earth Care Actions You Can Take for July 2024

Dear Faith Leaders and Friends,

As we discussed at our last meeting, each month we will be communicating some easy actions our congregants can take to address climate justice.  We encourage you to include these actions in your newsletters and sermons, and be placed on your organization’s website. Below is our message:


Easy Earth Care Actions

Each month, your Interfaith Dayenu Circle will be encouraging you to take a few quick actions that will benefit our planet and future generations. Please note that these actions are being done across many faith organizations in Santa Cruz County, and you are part of a large interfaith effort! 

Here’s how you can make a difference:

1. Save the Date and Volunteer!  Join us in preparing for the upcoming event:

Climate-Fest: You Can Make A Difference!

on September 22, 2024. We’re planning a fun day of interactive experiences and food to engage our congregations in climate action. Please consider taking a small volunteer role to support this fantastic interfaith event at Resurrection Church. Reach out to Cindy Rubin at cindy_rubin@comcast.net or Michele Kibrick at mkibrick42@gmail.com to learn more. 

2. Tell the Export-Import Bank: No Fossil Fuel Projects!

It's time to phase out the fossil fuels driving the climate crisis, which means ending all funding for coal, oil, and gas worldwide. SIGN HERE.

3. Read Walking the Ridge Line Between Form and Formless: On Spirituality and Activism

by local activist and spiritual teacher Ami Chen Mills, who explores the complex issue of expressing our faith values by working for social and environmental justice. 

4. Enjoy: Interfaith Service on Queer Ecology.

Learn about how Nature Loves Diversity

Thank you for sharing these actions widely!


Rev Steve Palmisano and the SC Interfaith Dayenu Team

Lori Duperon