Service - Homeless Garden Project and Your Suggestions?

The SCZC Service Subcommittee is looking into ways in which our Sangha could serve the community with others. We like the Homeless Garden Project, which  envisions a thriving and inclusive community, workforce and local food system. Values include:

  • The capacity of all individuals for growth and renewal

  • The joy of growing and sharing healthy food

  • The well-being created by vibrant social and natural ecosystems

There are many opportunities to volunteer including helping with a variety of farm tasks on Sat & Sun, 10am - 4pm. Sign up online to volunteer! 

Homeless Garden Project | An urban farm with a caring purpose


Santa Cruz Zen Center Service Committee


Our new Service Committee welcomes you to suggest community volunteer opportunities.  Contact Sandra with suggestions or questions  using the Subject line SCZC Service Committee. Thank you!

Eugene Bush