Oct 23 Study Questions

Dear sangha,

Thank you so much for your generous and wise contributions to our class last week. (The Fall Study Intensive)

Please review chapters 3 & 4 in the Vimalakirti Sutra, The Disciples and The Bodhisattvas, for our class on Sunday, October 23rd.

The disciples and bodhisattvas are reluctant to visit Vimalakirti, and each tells of an encounter with him where he gives them a subtle (or not so subtle) correction. Choose one of these encounters that is particularly alive for you. What was the teaching that Vimalakirti gave, and how is it meaningful for you in your life? What questions arise for you about the teaching? You will have an opportunity to share these reflections with the group.

In our last class, we talked about our somatic experience when we are caught up in confusion, and also the somatic experience when we have ease and clarity, or spaciousness. What do you notice about your somatic experience as you sit with the Vimalakirti teaching you chose?


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