Oct 16 Study Questions

A note from Rev. Nannette Overley regarding the upcoming Fall Study session on October 16th.

It was wonderful to see some of you last night and dive (or maybe tiptoe) into the Vimalakirti Sutra. I am especially looking forward to the classes, and to bringing our shared wisdom, questions, and reflections to these teachings.

Please review Chapter One, Buddha Lands, for our class on Sunday October 16th at 6:35.

Here are some questions to ponder, and please bring questions of your own as well:

 1. The Buddha give a teaching in response to Jeweled Accumulation's question about how bodhisattvas purify the Buddha Lands (how they lead various beings to enlightenment.)

What do you recognize in the Budddha's answer as basic Mahayana teachings about the bodhisattva path?

 2. Joan Sutherland writes: "When the buddha literally comes down to earth and digs his toes in, he doesn't instantly transform the world into the pure land. Instead, Shariputra says he now sees  the world as the Pure Land. The nature of the world hasn't changed, but Shariputra's ability to experience it has.....This complicated, nuanced, gorgeous, difficult, confusing world as it is is already the Pure Land, and now Shariputra sees that that was always true."

What does it mean that this world, as it is, is the Pure Land? And what is the shift in perception that enables Shariputra to know that? How can we be with this teaching, take it to heart, enact it?

3. In Jeweled accumulation's poem, he praises the buddha, saying "You have learned to treat all phenomena with freedom."

What does it mean to treat all phenomena with freedom?

Thanks to all for your practice and for joining together to reflect on this dharma.

with love,


Lori Duperon