Changes in SCZC Administrative Positions

The new year will bring changes to both of Santa Cruz Zen Center’s paid administrative worker positions.

Office Manager

Yaro Jane Arny is leaving the office manager position after years of dedicated service, including the formulation of the job in its current form. She will stay on as treasurer for the board of trustees and in her zendo roles. The office manager role will be taken over by Sandra McCann, for which we are extremely grateful. The office manager duties include planning for classes and events, managing the bulletin boards outside the zendo, public communications (including management of email), and creating the twice-yearly Sangha newsletter.

Digital Communications Coordinator

Rachel Grad is leaving the digital communications manager position and the closely-related webmaster position. She will stay on as a member-at-large on the board of trustees and in her zendo role. These duties are being taken over by Lori Duperon. The digital communications manager maintains the websites on the front end and back end, edits and uploads talks, supports teachers with communications, creates content, maintains email accounts, and creates the twice-monthly e-news mailings.

Thank you very much for your service, Yaro and Rachel. And thank you very much for taking on these roles, Sandra and Lori!

SCZC Admin