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Buddha's Birthday Sesshin

  • Santa Cruz Zen Center 113 School Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 United States (map)

We will sit together in the zendo for five days from Wednesday, April 2 thru Sunday, April 6. The schedule begins at 5:20 am and extends to 8:30 pm. There will be a Dharma Talk each day (this will be available via Zoom, too), three oryoki meals, and a work period. 

On Sunday, April 6th, we end at 2 pm to celebrate Buddha's Birthday with a ceremony and celebration from 2:30 until 4 pm. If you are joining only for the Sunday Birthday Celebration to enjoy cake and company, there is no need to sign up. Hope to see you there!

Suggested donations are $35/day for Sustaining Members or $40/day for others. It is your participation that is most valuable, so please donate only what your budget will allow.

Sign up here or call the Zen Center at 831-457-0206.