A Retreat Celebrating Buddha’s Enlightenment at the Santa Cruz Zen Center led by Rev. Patrick Teverbaugh.
We will sit together for seven days, both in the Zendo and on Zoom. In this yearly retreat we are mirroring the intensity of Buddha's meditation under the Bodhi Tree, so please sign up for a minimum of two consecutive days.
Each day will consist of sitting meditation, walking meditation, lecture, formal oryoki meal practice, and work practice. This year's lectures will cover Dongshan's “Jewel Mirror Samadhi.” On the evening of Dec. 11 we will join the Sangha in enacting Buddha's Enlightenment Ceremony to end the sesshin.
The suggested donation for both Zoom and zendo participants is $35/day for Sustaining Members and $40/day for others. The Zen Center relies on fees and donations to continue its mission. If you can pay more, please consider doing so. If you cannot pay the fee listed, please pay what you can. It is your participation that is most valued.
Here is the schedule for the sesshin.
Please sign up online here or on the sign-up sheet on the zendo bulletin board.