The day sit will begin at 7:45 am and ends at 4:00 pm including oryoki. Please see this page for additional details including the sit schedule and a registration form.
As space is limited, please sign up on the bulletin board at SCZC or using the sign up page here..
This day sit opens the Fall Study Intensive with Rev. Nannette Overley and Rev. Gene Bush: The Vimalakirti Sutra
This fall we will focus on the Vimalakirti Sutra, an entertaining and accessible teaching whose central character is the layman Vimalakirti. Through the unfolding tale of Vimalakirti’s fantastical creations, brilliant dialogues, and skillful means, we are presented with an exposition of the main Mahayana teachings: the Bodhisattva ideal, emptiness teachings, skillful means, and non-duality.