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Live Dharma Talk via Videoconference with Rev. Edie Brown

Rev. Edie Brown

Rev. Edie Brown

This evening’s speaker will be Rev. Edie Brown.

Edie received the precepts from Katherine Thanas in 1998 and was priest ordained in 2016 by Patrick Teverbaugh, Katherine’s dharma heir.  After thirty years of practice in the Soto Zen tradition in Santa Cruz, California, and an exploration of Vipassana since 2019, Edie recently relocated to Vancouver Island, Canada.   She completed her training in the Sati Buddhist chaplaincy program in 2021.  As a retired RN with a master’s in public health, Edie offers individual and group grief and loss support through hospice.

Join via Zoom at:

Zoom meeting number 295 166 8406

The password is 753

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