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Fall Practice Period


Santa Cruz Zen Center Fall Practice Period

Baizhang and the Fox

Examining the themes of Ethics & Responsibility – with our social and environmental crisis and the deep Buddhist teachings about Causation. Led by Rev. Gene Bush.


Reflecting the Triple Treasure, Practice Period this fall will include the activity of Buddha Dharma Sangha – that is to say, seated meditation, study and community.

To further clarify – 

  • seated meditation as the opportunity to still the body-mind and recognize our own true nature

  • study as a chance to engage with the teachings of the elders, teachers’ commentaries on those teachings, collaborative inquiry into reality as it is

  • community as the location of wholesome and mutual co-creation

The teacher asks that you make a regular commitment to zazen in community – in person or via zoom – 3 times per week (morning or evening plus Wednesdays) additionally part of each sesshin/ zazenkai

The teacher asks that you read the material associated with the teaching during classes and sesshins, engage in thoughtful conversation; and that you establish a theme for your personal study at home

The teacher asks that you find a way to participate with and serve the sangha, at zen center or in the broader community, as work practice

Please email Rev. Gene Bush a note summarizing your commitments for participation.

(Please click the button above to email Gene. His email is given indirectly for security purposes, but if your email isn’t configured, it may not work. No problem, just email us at and we’ll connect you with him.)