EarthCare Actions For You to Take in March 2024

Earth Care Actions.  Each month, your Dayenu Interfaith Climate Action team will be encouraging you to take a few quick actions that will benefit our planet and future generations. Please note that these actions are being done across many faith organizations in Santa Cruz County, and you are part of a large interfaith effort! 

Here’s how you can make a difference:

  1. Video Series: Uncertainty and Possibility—Meeting the Climate Future. A series of short videos that offer ways we can integrate spiritual practice with addressing the climate crisis. 

  2. Write Congress: Clean Energy Permitting Reform. Congress made progress on clean energy permitting reform last year, but we need to move faster. We want to see a new, bipartisan permitting package get introduced and pushed over the finish line.

  3. Tell California’s public pensions: The time to divest is now! Dayenu supports a proposed law that requires the state retirement system to divest from fossil fuels. You can add your voice to this effort! 

SCZC Admin